ERP in Education

ERPin Education dramatically improves operational efficiency in all aspects of day to day  institution management. It introduces transparency and traceability while improving student quality and life cycle management by automating attendance and communication, and tracking and reporting key metrics across the entire organization. Tightly integrated.  Smart device –ready ERP is available.

ERP in Education

Funding challenges have hampered educational institutions from modernizing their operations and becoming more efficient, while being under pressure to improve their existing programs at lower costs. The rapid adoption of modern technology – Online, Mobile & Social media, by the new generation of students increasingly demands the same from the institutions they attend. 

ERP in Education- Benefits

1.       Track and Convert student inquiries to admissions via integrated CRM module

2.      Effectively manage enrolment process through online registration system

3.      Improve ease of access to the system by integrating with Institution / College website

4.      Enhance student engagement satisfaction through Bulk SMS and Email.

5.      Improve student attendance via automated IoT enabled IDs

6.      Optimize faculty’s teaching time via automated dynamic timetable management system including faculty’s substitute management

7.      Actively support students through live chat, phone and email

8.     Assist decision-making through periodic snapshots of  institutional activity (enrolment, fee collection,etc.)

9.      Easy integration with several popular accounting systems

10.  Improve student lifecycle management by automating admission through graduation.

Data Enablers

Stake Holder Benefit

Kramah Institution Management System (K.I.M.S)

To provide software solution to automate institution management Kramah Cloud Institution Management system is an integrated, comprehensive, online institution management system and student information system specially designed for colleges, schools, pre-schools, day care centers, learning centers. Every function is fully integrated using a single, powerful, completely secure flexible and dynamic database.       




Of course, there is other side of the coin too! Even if the management of the institution is available within the single click of a mouse, there are some limitations that prevents institutions to choose education ERP solutions for better management. Some of them being,

·         Failure of ERP in education to measure in terms of achievement of Return on Investment (ROI). When the ERP implementation doesn’t yield enough ROI, it can be a failure.

·         The cost of ERP, its planning and implementation, customization, configuration, etc. might be too much for lesser profit-driven schools.

·         Most ERPs are difficult to learn and use. With complicated user interface that requires thorough user training, it requires complete participation of users. 

ERP in Education-Conclusion

The growth of smart phones provides an opportunity to have all information on the go. The tagline being “Run your college from your smartphone” 

The larger educational institutes or multilocation institutes can adopt ERP as this will enhance the satisfaction among all stake holders with timely information.
