Professional Blogging

Professional Blogging as Business Model is gaining traction. It is an opportunity for those who have expertise and can help others learn through their blogs. Blogs have created millionaires. Blogging belongs to the current trend of asset less entrepreneurship. This offers scope for those who want to enjoy freedom but would like a business with minimal risk...

Professional Blogging  - Promoting Blogs

Writing blogs alone is not enough to earn money but one should know how to promote it on the web. The brand building concepts for blogging is similar to promoting a product or service. Here the critical success factor is the quality of content. Content is the king.

 “Successful blogging is not about one time hits. It’s about building a loyal following over time.”- David Aston

 “Blogging is hard because of the grind required to stay interesting and relevant.”- Sufia Tippu

Professional Blogging- Consistency is the KEY

“If you want to continually grow your blog, you need to learn to blog on a consistent basis.”- Neil Patel

It is easy to start the first blog. However, the blogs must be published on a consistent basis and should be regular. Blogs can be published once a week on a given day. This can be increased to 2 /week.

Promoting the blogs requires presence in social media.

 How to Become A Professional Blogger & Be Your Own Boss-Harsh Agarwal

First of all, before you decide to walk down the path of pro-blogging, you need to know that a lot has changed in the past few years. Blogging is not a simple or easy way to make money. That said, blogging is one of the more reputable ways to earn money online, and if you are committed to working hard to learn how to do it properly, you can easily earn thousands of dollars a month blogging.

But always remember: If you are looking to make a living blogging, you need be serious in your approach and treat it like a professional business.

What Does It Mean to Be a Professional Blogger?-Benyamin Elias


If you’ve been around the internet, you’ve probably seen ads that promise to give you the chance to make money from home. And you’ve probably, correctly, concluded that those ads are a scam.

At the same time, there are people who make money from home. As blogging and web design have become more accessible, more and more people are learning how to blog and make a living blogging.

They are part of a rising profession. Professional bloggers.

Professional bloggers are a far cry from scammy internet ads, and they take their profession seriously. But what does it mean to be a professional blogger, what does a professional blogger do, and how do bloggers become professionals?

Professional Blogging - Recommended Books

1.Professional Blogging for Dummies -Susan Getgoo

2. Professional Blogging  Basics-Learn the intricate Details -Lori Perkins

Professional Blogging - For Beginners

3.Blogging For Beginners: -by Khalid Zidan (Author)

Imagine a job where you could get paid to share your opinions about things that you’re passionate about, a job that you can do from your own home on completely your own hours that takes almost nothing in the way of upfront financial investment. For many people, that job is blogging.

It’s no wonder that close to 1% of American adults make at least a portion of their living by blogging. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, about 2 million people profit from blogging each year in America. Of those, about a quarter (452,000 people) use blogging as their primary source of income.

If you want to become a blogging success story, this information is both uplifting and depressing. It is possible to make money blogging; lots of people are already doing it. 

But like with other creative professions like actors and musicians, the famous celebrities earning millions of dollars are far outnumbered by the people who don’t make enough to quit their day job. I won’t lie and say it’s easy making your living as a bloggerbut it is true that anyone can do it, so long as you have a subject you’re passionate about and enough dedication to stay the course.

Review by Jasmine (Published on  

I have a friend who’s earning a good amount of money via blogging. She told me that I should try blogging but the problem is I lacked information and I don’t want to bother her to teach me, that’s why I’ve decided to do a research of my own and luckily I found this book on Amazon and I’ve decided to purchase it. In this book you’ll see step by step procedures and guidelines on how to get started in blogging, all the information is backed with detailed explanations so that you won’t feel lost even if you’re a beginner to this kind of field. Good read, awesome guide! 

4.   Blogging: A Beginner's Guide to Making Money Online With a Money Blog. By James Monroe(Author)

Many people around the world are starting to catch on to the power of blogs. If you are new to the idea of blogging, then I encourage you to continue through with this book and learn more about this great money earning opportunity. Even if your only intention with your blog is to share your ideas life with the world through blogging, this book will assist you throughout your entire journey. Blogging will allow you to reach people you've never met all around the world, and share with them what you know or what you have experienced in your own life. 

There are several ways to create income from blogging. Whether it is through affiliate marketing or selling ad space, people everywhere have started to create passive income online through their blogs. This book will go into depth on how you can start creating your very own blog for free, and use it to create a passive, even full time income with minimal maintenance. Nowadays when blogs are free, you can set up and start working on your blog immediately. This allows you to use the internet to reach virtually all ends of the internet, and increase your potential of earning money. 

This book will explain how to monetize, or make money with your blog in your own desired way. It will go over the most common ways people everywhere make money by blogging. The great thing about blogging is that anyone can do it. Each person has the capability of creating a great blog that will not only earn you money, but create value to many people throughout the world. Anyone with a desire to start blogging is a perfect fit. One of the best parts about blogs in today's world is that no prior experience in necessary or required. 

You are also able to work whenever you want. This is one of the greatest parts of owning a blog. Everyone has a schedule that is a little bit different. Whether you have free time in the morning, afternoon or night time, blogs allow you to work whenever you are free. If you have a full time job, you have to work when others tell you to. Changing your work to working online opens up a whole new ball park. You can now work on your own clock and when it's convenient for you. If you are the type that thinks best at night, great! You can work on your blog whenever it is convenient for your schedule. 

Professional Blogging - Conclusion

Copy Blogger

Solopreneurship is on the rise today and blogging has become a financially viable option. This blog by Brian Clark teaches finer aspects of writing, getting more traffic and landing gigs that pay. Be it communication with customers or improvement of blogging skills.

Copy writing skills are essential for any blog writer. There are many useful tips available for writing good copies. The title of the blog should create curiosity.

ProBlogger is a useful website to visit before any one starts writing the blog.
